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Reprezentativno udruženje u kulturi
na teritoriji Republike Srbije , na osnovu Zakona o kulturi i rešenju Ministra kulture,informisanja i informacionog društva

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UdruženjE Arhitekata SrbijE - Reprezentativno udruženje u kulturi Republike Srbije

Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III, tel 011/3230 059, tel-fax 011/3239 754 e-mail:

petak, 22 maj 2020

SHARE Architects launches the first SHARE Pre-Event Webinar for SHARE Belgrade 2020.


We are delighted and honored to invite you to join the SHARE Belgrade Webinar on 28th May, organized as a pre-event of  SHARE Belgrade International Architecture Forum which will take place on 29th September in collaboration with the Union of architects in Serbia.

Under the sign of “Restart”, the webinar on May 28th has as guests Rena SAKELLARIDOU - Co-founder of SPARCH - GREECE/ Arjan DINGSTE - Director at UNStudio -THE NETHERLANDS, Snežana VESNIĆ - Founder Neoarhitekti - SERBIA

The special guest of the event is Christos PASSAS - Associate Director at ZAHA HADID Architects -UK

The event will be moderated by Milan DJURIC, President of the Union of architects in Serbia and Perparim RAMA, CEO of 4M Group – UK.

There are two possible ways of registering:

1. Join SHARE Community as a member and you will receive free access to all of month May's webinars:
2. If you do not wish to register as a member of the SHARE community, you can directly purchase an entrance ticket to the chosen webinar by accessing the registration link: 

The SHARE Belgrade Webinar is sponsored by TeraSteel – innovation and expertise in the CEE area

TeraSteel is one of the largest manufacturers of thermal insulating panels, galvanized steel purlins and turnkey halls in Central and Eastern Europe. The company is part of the TeraPlast Group, the largest Romanian manufacturer of construction materials. 

Pročitano 1506 puta




Позивамо вас да се прикључите потписивању петиције и подршци Декларације о судбини Београдског сајма и Генералштаба. Линк за потписивање петиције и додатне информације о самој Декларацији можете пронаћи овде





Podsećamo vas da godišnja članarina u Društvu arhitekata Beograda- Udruženju arhitekata Srbije za 2025. godinu iznosi 3.000,00 dinara.

Za arhitekte/ penzionere godišnja članarina iznosi 1.500,00 dinara.

Uplatu možete izvršiti na račun Društva arhitekata Beograda, Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III kod OTP banke, a.d. Novi Sad broj 325-9500600062062-07 sa pozivom na broj 2025.

 Popunjenu pristupnicu možete poslati na e- mail: ili popuniti lično pri dolasku u prostorije Društva arhitekata Beograda radnim danima  između 09,00 -15,00 časova.

Za sve potrebne informacije možete se obratiti i na telefone ili e- mail adresu:

011/ 3230-059; 3239-754,
Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Udruženje arhitekata Srbije






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