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Reprezentativno udruženje u kulturi
na teritoriji Republike Srbije , na osnovu Zakona o kulturi i rešenju Ministra kulture,informisanja i informacionog društva

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UdruženjE Arhitekata SrbijE - Reprezentativno udruženje u kulturi Republike Srbije

Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III, tel 011/3230 059, tel-fax 011/3239 754 e-mail:

sreda, 18 oktobar 2017

Great Architectural Event in Budapest on 9th March 2018


Editor-in-chief of a leading Hungarian architectural magazine METSZET, in the name of the Hungarian Chamber of Architects and the Association of Hungarian Architects, has the honour of inviting you to take part at the 15th International Convention of Architecture, which is to take place in Budapest, Hungary on the 9th March, 2018. (Friday)
The central theme is the metamorphosis of building materials. It investigates how one material can take over the characteristic form of another. Whether a brick wall exhibits patterns typical of woven textiles, or a concrete structure cites the shapes of pottery, form emancipates itself from the original material and becomes a carrier of cultural meaning. Conventional materials, new “ultra-materials”, traditional craftsmanship and digital fabrication all contribute to the interplay of forms and the creation of new possibilities.




International Convention of Architecture

9. March 2018, Friday

Budapest, National University of Public Service (New event and sport hall,

Chair and chief organizer: Akos Moravanszky


08.00–09.00 Registration

09.00–09.20 Opening ceremony Zsolt Füleky Deputy State Secretary, András Krizsán MÉSZ-president

09.20–09.40 Akos Moravanszky, Titular Professor of the Theory of Architecture (ETH Zurich): Architecture and the metamorphosis of materials

09.40–10.30 lecture of Adam Caruso (Caruso St. John Architects, London)

10.30–11.00 Coffee break

11.00–11.50 lecture of Jan De Vylder (De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Gent, Belgium)

11.50–12.40 lecture of Philipp Esch (Esch Sintzel Arrchitekten, Zürich)

12.40–13.30 Lunch

13.30–14.20 lecture of Momoyo Kajima (Atelier Bow-Wow, Tokió)

14.20–15.10 lecture of Alexander Brodsky (Bureau Alexander Brodsky, Moszkva)

15.10–15.40 Coffee break, award ceremony

15.40–16.30 lecture of Andrea Deplazes (Bearth & Deplazes Architekten, Chur, Svájc)

16.40–18.00 Guided tour on the new University Campus, guided by the designers


 Registration here:

or via e-mail: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.


Pročitano 3479 puta




Podsećamo vas da godišnja članarina u Društvu arhitekata Beograda- Udruženju arhitekata Srbije za 2024. godinu iznosi 3.000,00 dinara.

Za arhitekte/ penzionere godišnja članarina iznosi 1.500,00 dinara.

Uplatu možete izvršiti na račun Društva arhitekata Beograda, Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III kod OTP banke, a.d. Novi Sad broj 325-9500600062062-07 sa pozivom na broj 2024.

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011/ 3230-059; 3239-754,
Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Udruženje arhitekata Srbije






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